
Kangen water filter system is an extremely useful appliance

Have you heard of the Kangen water filter system? This is a revolutionary process of filtering water making it fit for a variety of uses right from cleaning floors and toilets to consuming it. The word Kangen is a Japanese word that literally translates into ‘getting back to your roots’. This has a very deep rooted meaning. It signifies that the water filter system can take the purity of water today to the levels which our earlier generations enjoyed. We shall see the concept of Kangen water in this article and the series of articles that follow.

What is the need for filtering water today?

The natural water sources are contaminated with various kinds of impurities. Some of them are visible impurities whereas a majority is invisible. We mean to say that they are completely dissolved into the water. This affects the taste of the water and makes it unfit for human consumption. Therefore, there is a need for filtering this water and making it fit for human use.

The shortcomings of the present day water filters:

The present day RO filters do a great job of filtering the water and making it fit for human consumption. These filters can remove the TDS completely from the water. In the bargain, they waste a lot of water. The systems are such that it separates the drinkable water from the waste. The waste water flows down the drain as it is practically of no use because it contains a high volume of TDS. It can surprise you that for every litre of water purified, it wastes 4 liters. This is a criminal wastage of water because there is absolute shortage of water.  

The importance of the Kangen water filter system

The Kangen water filtering machine is special equipment. This machine filters tap water into five different kinds of water. The machine separates the output water into five different categories depending on the pH value of the water. In the normal case, water is a neutral compound having pH value exactly equal to 7. Any value below 7 makes the water acidic whereas pH values over 7 makes the water alkaline.  

Water with pH value exactly equal to 7 is extremely pure and tasteless. It needs to have some TDS in order for the water to be consumable. Hence, it is better to have alkaline water with pH levels up to 9.5. This is Kangen water. Water with pH value over 9.5 is string Kangen water. You will not be able to consume this water. But, there are different uses for this water. We shall look at the uses of this water in a subsequent article. Similarly, water with pH value below 7 is also not fit for consumption. The normal water filters waste this water and lets it flow into the drain. The Kangen water filter machine makes use of this acidic and strongly acidic water by channeling it towards different uses. Therefore the Kangen water machine price will naturally be higher than that of the normal water filters you get in the market.